Darbhanga Ward No 43, with population of 6824 is Darbhanga city’s the 16th most populous ward, located in Darbhanga sub district of Darbhanga district in the state Bihar in India.
The ward is home to 6824 people, among them 3569 (52%) are male and 3255 (48%) are female. 94% of the whole population are from general caste, 6% are from schedule caste and 0% are schedule tribes. Child (aged under 6 years) population of Darbhanga Ward No 43 is 11%, among them 52% are boys and 48% are girls. There are 1330 households in the ward and an average 5 persons live in every family.
Sex Ratio – Females per 1000 Male
As of 2011 census there are 912 females per 1000 male in the ward. Sex ratio in general caste is 904, in schedule caste is 1037. There are 930 girls under 6 years of age per 1000 boys of the same age in the ward.
Total 5518 people in the ward are literate, among them 2998 are male and 2520 are female. Literacy rate (children under 6 are excluded) of Darbhanga WARD NO.-0043 is 91%. 95% of male and 87% of female population are literate here.
Workers profile
Darbhanga WARD NO.-0043 has 29% (1976) population engaged in either main or marginal works. 47% male and 10% female population are working population. 42% of total male population are main (full time) workers and 4% are marginal (part time) workers. For women 8% of total female population are main and 2% are marginal workers.